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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Network Monitoring and Management System

Final Year Project (Summer2012)


Table of Contents

Network Monitoring and Management System is a user-friendly desktop application for real-time monitoring and management of a network environment. This project allows Network Administrator to view network details and take actions accordingly if the situation arises. Since this application does not require an Internet connection, client connects directly to the dedicated server. The application runs as a service at the client’s end. The goal of this application was to develop to monitor and manage clients in a network environment with absolutely zero management requirements at the client’s end.

Network Monitoring is a system designed to help you control and monitor your computers in a local network. The system allows you to see, in real time, useful information about any of your computers using an easy interface that can be suited to your own needs.


Add new Clients

After you installed the client on the target computer, in the Monitor Center interface, choose in the menu Options à Clients List. The Clients List window will open and you would be able to add the new client. Press the Add button, Add New Client window will open. Insert the client’s IP and name (the name has no meaning other than yours convenient) and press Ok.
You will see that the new client you added will appear with a status field indicate whether the server succeeded to connect to the client.
·         Connected – the server has succeed connecting to the client
·         Failure – the server has failed connecting to the client
After you fix the problem that was causing the server to fail connecting the client, you can press the Status button to check the correct status. Each client you add will appear in the drop down list of clients that located in the top left of the system. Use it in order to choose on which client you want to get the information.
You can also use the Remove button if you wish to delete one of the clients from the list.

Available Information


The first tab is the Processes tab, which contains the list of all active processes on the target client. The tab displays by default only the process id property for each process. You can choose from a list of counters the additional information you care to see about each process. In order to do so, choose in the menu View à Counters à Select Counters. Select Counters window would open:
You can choose the desired counters and press Ok. According to the next interval, the new information will appear for each process.
By right clicking on a process and choose Properties, you can get additional information about the process. The information would be displayed in a Properties window:
You can navigate between the two tabs of Threads and Environment Variables.


The second tab is Performance tab, which contains any performance counter available on the target client. The values of any counter are presented in a line graph, you can watch up to six different graphs concurrently. In order to add a counter, choose in the menu View à Counters à Select Counters and select your requested performance categories:
In the example above, the user chose to see information regarding the processor of the target client, and he specified the total processor time percentage.
In the bottom of the tab, you can see the list of counters you chose, including each counter category and instance.
After you add a counter, you can also remove it from the view by right clicking the requested counter and choosing Remove Counter.
In order to distinguish between the different counters in a better way, you can use the Change Color option. Right click the counter, which its color you want to change, then choose Change Color. The relevant graph will change its color to a randomly selected color.

System Info

The third tab is System Info, which contains basic information about the target client operating system and selected performance counters, which you can find very useful.  In the left side of the tab located the static information of the operating system:  Windows version and service pack, registered and logged on user, and the list of available drivers. Notice that this data is not influenced by the system interval and is collected once for each time you select this tab.
In the right side you can find dynamic information of memory usages, CPU, threads counts and more. The data is showed both as graphs and as text.


Export to excel

A very useful option is Export to excel. Sometimes, view the dynamic information in the system interface is not enough and the system administrator wants to be able to analyze it in its own time. This is when this option comes very handy, as you can export the information that was collected by the system to an external excel file and watch them as you like. In order to export the data to excel choose in the menu File à Export to excel, Save As window would open and you can specify the file's location and name. this option is relevant only for the Processes and Performance tabs.

Multi Client Report

This option allows you to build your own custom report that contains information on all the available clients in your system. You can specify the counters you wish to see and let the report runs as long as you want. In the end of the process you will get an excel file that contains the relevant data for each client.
In order to configure such a report choose in the menu Options à Multi Clients Report, the following window would open:
First, define the required interval in which the counters will be collected from the clients. After that, add new counters by pressing the Add Counter link in the bottom left corner of the screen. If you wish to delete existent counter from the list, just choose the required line and press the Delete button on your keyboard. When everything is set, press Activate Report Sampling, the report has start running.
You can now close the window, and after the required time elapsed open the Edit Multi Clients Report window again and choose one of the following:
·         Stop Report Sampling – if you wish to stop the sampling and clear the report data
·         Export Report To Excel – in case you want to save the information collected so far in excel format.

Change the interval

The frequency in which the Monitor Center collects the data from the client is defined by the system interval that located in the top right corner of the screen.
You can choose its value from a range of 1 to 30 seconds, and the next sample would occur according to that time. If you have changed the default value of the system interval, next time you would open the system interface your selected value would appear.


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